Tommy, I thoroughly (and hair-raisingly) enjoyed your story. I really appreciated the effort involved in creating an alient that didn't fit neatly into a human conception of anatomy. In the part of the story where Ecks compared the number of appendages in the man's to It's own, my imagination had a ball trying to create a picture of Ecks. The story slides into body horror as Ecks decides that the human lacks intelligence and begins an extreme surgery on the unfortunate man. Bravo for pushing at the boundaries of sci-fi with this story.

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Wow thanks so much for the kind words, it means a lot 🙂

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Jun 16Liked by Tommy Blanchard

Nicely done, especially the twist with the blood smears at the end!

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Thank you!

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Tommy, I too, thoroughly (and hair-raisingly) enjoyed your story.

Tommy, I thoroughly (and hair-raisingly) enjoyed my interpretation of Shaller's retelling of your story.

I really appreciated the effort involved in creating an alienated guy that didn't fit neatly into a human conception with corona anatomy. In the part of my story where Mr. Eeek compared the appendage in the typical man's to his own, my imagination had him balling to create a baby copy of Mr. Eeek. The story slides his body's corona as Eeek decides that the human lacks the intelligence to realize the Joy of Sabotage and begins an extreme understanding of man. Bravo for pushing at the boundaries of sci-fi comedy with the below story.

my story in reply below

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BREAKING NEWS: Origin Story Saves [Mr.Eeek's]Marriage:

A Scientist, a Therapist, a Priest, a Plumber, a Gas Station Attendant, my wife, and I walk into a bar...

...the scientist says "Some of us scientists write about cheating... but how much cheating is there?"

My wife points out that she keeps having kids that don't look like me so I ask my therapist about it and he tells me to show him my penis and when I do he says the plunger on the tip is pointing the wrong way...

...so I turn to my priest and my priest says:

"Eve had to get Adam hard or there would be no humanity... but God sabotaged Eve's libido... Eve might lose interest at any time... but once Adam was hard he never lost interest... even when Judas told him that God's design of the shape and stroke of the penis was just to remove the semen left inside Eve... due to her recent cheating [with her ape dad]...

...so the plumber pulls out two plungers and points at my penis:

"Your plunger ... is designed to put the last guy's semen into her oven... see how my penis is normal...?.

...my plunger here... is designed to take everyone else's semen out."

And the gas station attendant added: "You don't pay first, you pump first." referring to the normal sexual sequence of pumping, ejaculation, flaccid, withdrawal without disturbing the fresh ejaculate.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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I just saw my newborn's face for the first time.... is there any more awesome and good and beautiful moment of bonding, or RSAT, etc?

As DrBurns might say:"What's awesome and good and beautiful about seeing my newborn's face for the first time?"

But this would not have been possible if I didn't "thwart my partner's lover" from impregnating her!

As DrBurns might say:"What's awesome and good and beautiful about sabotaging a relationship?"

Are you ready to hear this?

"The Joy of Sex" is "The Joy of Sabotage"

The sex act sabotages my partner's other lover's semen by pumping it out.





Science:"Semen Displacement as a Sperm Competition Strategy in Humans"


Science:" The human penis as a semen displacement device "


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Does "The Joy of Sabotage" include:

1. Mitch McConnell pledges to each new President to sabotage anything they try.

2. A busybody troublemaker is rushing down the sidewalk and slips on a banana peel.

3. The Boston Tea Party.

4. The 2009 Tea Party.(a political party that grew at historical speed .... and led to Trump?)

5. The evolutionary origins of the shape and stroke of the penis.

6. Obama:"The MAGA's just want to 'Own The Libs'...."(by pranking, sabotaging, etc)

7. more on request

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Nice! Cool, to the point, thoughtful! Liked the afterward just as much : )

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So cool, a sci-fi self inflicted Groundhog day! 😀 I started reading the story skipping a few paragraphs after your initial setup. This is a bad habit of mine, I know, but it’s part of my scanning process these days since there is so much media to consume, I scan and read bits to see the quality ( I do it with youtube too) but also means I often fall into a story that’s a bit out of order. Usually, when I love what I read, I jump back to the beginning to clear up some things I don’t understand. So this happened with your story too. And for a while, I read and I wasn’t aware that the creature was a human. And this tension was so good. I was wondering about the creature, I asked myself if it was ethical what the protagonist was doing. I was emotionally involved, I’m a vegetarian and I was relating her behavior to how humans treat animals. Then, with the blood smears, I felt like reading back to understand. Only at that moment I read about the guy being beamed up. Suddenly the mystery was gone. I knew the creature was a human. This broke the tension for me. I think you can leave the human beaming up completely out. The reader can still slowly discover that the creature is a human by your description of the body parts etc. Or maybe add something at the end, so readers really get it was a human without saying it. I think the shock will be so much greater for the reader, for me it was a bit of a shock to find out it was a human, and I found out a bit later in the story than the reader who read it chronologically. Imagine if you keep it a mystery almost until the end. Does this make sense? I loved to read this, thank you!

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.. absolutely ! i wanna 2nd more luxurious read of course .. mebbe with some music I feel apropos .. the world of sound is my oyster.. re emotion.. energy.. or ‘i feel like - need a double shot of heartbreak jalopena scorching drama tunage .. saw a Santana live clip answered that bell yesterday.. haha !

Wuz puzzled myself every time was writing a creature character dialogue or internal ‘voice.. but was lucky I started with a young Orca .. & had had come across the book ‘White Bone - Barbara Gowdy - re elephants ! the Beautiful Creatures as well as ‘shamanism are my ‘literary devices’ to allow ‘extra scope .. when my human characters are being described - their way of being & specific character.. Would like to think I can embody such perspectives within my ‘memoir stylings’ as well - the ‘true stories - that include wild or domestic critters .. even a mean spirited barracuda with a wicked sense of humour - ‘givin me the look - eh.. 🦎🏴‍☠️🎬

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